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Trump 'accused of treason' after urging Russia to hack Clinton's email

Kremlin has denied that it is behind the hacking of
Democratic Party emails
as Donald Trump sparked outcry by urging Russia to break into
Hillary Clinton’s server and search for 30,000 “missing”
On a day when the election campaign reached new extremes
of toxicity and strangeness, Mr Trump held a press conference
in Florida where he effectively asked a foreign nation to carry
out cyber-spying on his rival for the White House.
“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000
emails that are missing,” said Mr Trump, speaking at one of
his golf resorts. “I think you’ll be rewarded mightily by our
press.”  He posted on his twitter page Donald J. Trump
✔ @realDonaldTrump
If Russia or any other country or person has Hillary
Clinton's 33,000 illegally deleted emails, perhaps
they should share them with the FBI!           
Asked if he was concerned that he was apparently encouraging
Russia to spy on an American political party, he added: “It
gives me no pause. If Russia or China or any of those country
gets those emails, I’ve got to be honest with you, I’d love to
see them.”
Mr Trump also appeared to imply that Russian leader Vladimir
Putin used the N-word to describe President Barack Obama.
The controversy over the emails follows the publication last
week of around 20,000 emails belonging to the Democratic
National Committee (DNC) by Wikileaks. The emails revealed
a plot to try and smear Ms Clinton’s rival, Bernie Sanders,
something that forced the resignation of the DNC chairperson
US media said that intelligence experts believed that the
Russian government was behind the hacking of the DNC
Over the weekend, Ms Clinton’s spokesman suggested that Mr
Trump, who has previously spoken favourably of Mr Putin, was
somehow involved in their release, which came on the eve of
the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. That
claim was denied by Mr Trump.
Donald Trump says Putin called Obama the 'N-Word'
On Wednesday, Mr Trump refused to call on Russia to desist
from any such actions. “If it’s any foreign country it shows how
little respect they have for the United States,” said Mr Trump,
who added that he was “not an email person myself because I
believe it can be hacked”.
The comments by the Republican candidate were quickly
condemned by the Democrats. Ms Clinton’s senior policy
advisor, Jake Sullivan said in a statement: “This has to be the
first time that a major presidential candidate has actively
encouraged a foreign power to conduct espionage against his
political opponent. That's not hyperbole, those are just the
He added: “This has gone from being a matter of curiosity,
and a matter of politics, to being a national security issue.”
Many on social media accused Mr Trump of treason, while
CNN political analyst Christine Quinn said: “It’s honestly
almost treasonous.
Former CIA Director Leon Panetta told the network that Mr
Trump's comments raised questions about his loyalty to the
US. “You've got now a presidential candidate who is, in fact,
asking the Russians to engage in American politics. I just think
that that's beyond the pale. I think that kind of statement only
reflects the fact that he truly is not qualified to be presidMr Trump’s colleagues in the Republican party distanced
themselves from his comments. His vice presidential running
mate, Governor Mike Pence, said there would be serious
consequences if the FBI determined that Russia was behind
the recent hacking, or was trying to meddle in the US election.
“If it is Russia and they are interfering in our elections, I can
assure you both parties and the United States government will
ensure there are serious consequences,” said the Indiana
House Speaker Paul Ryan, a Republican, also put space
between himself and his party’s presidential nominee
“Russia is a global menace led by a devious thug,” said his
spokesman Brenan Buck. “Putin should stay out of this
Russia has denied that it is behind the email hacking or that it
is trying to interfere with the US election. It said the
allegations were nothing more than ““horror stories”.
“Moscow is at pains to avoid any words that could be
interpreted as direct or indirect interference in the election
process,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told a
conference call, according to Reuters .
“We see that the Russian card is in the red corner on the
writing table of all Washington politicians during the election
campaign, and that very often they make it a trump card in
their game.”

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